
Gloucester Churchyard RegulationsChurchyards are important, not only to those whose loved ones might be buried there, but also in establishing the setting of the church and often providing a haven for wildlife.  The monuments, structures and boundaries contained within and enclosing the churchyard are all subject to Faculty Jurisdiction and advice is available to those who are currently maintaining churchyards, or looking to make changes and additions.

If you have any queries regarding churchyards or memorials please contact us.

Please note that churchyard memorials which require a faculty, grave space reservations and exhumation reservations are processed directly by our Registrar:

Veale Wasbrough Vizards, LLP

Narrow Quay House
Narrow Quay

Tel: 0117 925 2020
Fax: 0117 925 2025

Useful Links

  • Caring for God’s Acre – The conservation charity for churchyards and burial grounds.  Lots of ideas and practical advice on looking after and making the most of your churchyard.
  • Memorials by artists is a website which helps put people in contact with specialist craftsmen able to create well designed and individual memorials –




Diocese of Gloucester Churchyard Regulations 2020

Churchyard Memorial Form PDF 2020

Churchyard Memorial Form Word 2020

Reservation of Gravespace Form Word 2021

Reservation of Gravespace Form PDF 2021

Table Tomb Repairs – Guidance Note

Tidying up memorials

Health & Safety Advice – EIG Guidance

Trees – A guide on the planting, felling, lopping and topping of trees in churchyards

Churchyard Guidance Notes 2017

Closed Churchyards – Additional Guidance 2019