Gloucester Diocese is an active member of the multi-agency movement, FestivALL. As a partnership, we are working together to break down barriers in our communities across ethnicity, faith, ability, sexual orientation, class, age and gender and create opportunities for us all to discover more about the people, wildlife, places, and organisations in our area. FestivALL is all about coming together, talking, sharing and celebrating – but most of all, having fun.
Each partner organisation is free to work in the way that suits their core ethos, recognising the wide overlap between many of our values and concerns, and the advantages of working together when possible. There is an opportunity here for churches to take advantage of the regional network in order to develop local partnerships, deepen community engagement and work for the wellbeing of our communities.
FestivAll recently included:
- Local events: small, large and everything in between
- A month of acts of community kindness
- Profile raising through the media, in the general area of communities and neighbourhoods that include everyone, as well as FestivALL in particular.
The launch events were followed by a huge variety of local events, with churches involved as significant partners in many instances. The month’s programme included a community arts festival; several village fetes; a mental health learning day; an open day at Star College; a riding for the disabled ‘fun afternoon’; a moth morning at a local nature reserve; a wellbeing workshop, and many more.
Watch here
Get a taste for the FestivAll vibe:
Some guidelines on intergenerational invitations are on this link: FestivALL 2019 intergenerational.
See also
Inclusive communities
Working with Children and Families
Contact Specialist advisors via Mission & Ministry
Dementia-friendly churches
Social Responsibility
Looking at Parish Mission Action Plans
Pioneering & Fresh Expressions