Marketplace section:
Welcome to the Faith in the workplace marketplace page.
LICC: your work matters to God
Where you are now truly matters to God.
We all have an everyday context that’s significant to God, full of people who matter to God. But can we see how God might have been working in and through us on our frontlines? And can we imagine what more God might want to do there?
Brimming with real-life stories, biblical insight, and practical steps, these resources will spark your imagination and enrich your sense of wonder at the greatness and grace of the God who invites us to join his glorious work.
LICC site – Fruitfulness course
LICC: Faith at work
Our work is the means by which God gets done what he wants done in the world: people fed, housed, clothed, informed, educated…
Our work contributes toward God’s purposes, towards human flourishing, and towards care of his creation. Your work matters.
Transform Work UK
Transform Work UK is a charitable organisation whose aim is to see the UK workplace transformed, locally and nationally, by every Christian living out their faith in effective workplace ministry, leading to transformation over time in the nation’s culture, values and spiritual environment.
Visit the Transform Work website
International Chamber of Commerce
ICCC UK is all about demonstrating the coming Kingdom as we partner with God in our day-to-day adventure of faith in the marketplace – this is Business Unlimited!
Free 6 week ICCC course, starting 25 Oct 2020
Theology of Work project
The vision of the Theology of Work Project is that every Christian be equipped and committed for work as God intends. A Christian approach makes work more meaningful and productive, benefits society and the people we work with and for, gets us through the challenges we face on the job, draws people to Jesus, and brings glory to God.
Institute for Faith, Work and Economics
The Institute for Faith, Work & Economics (IFWE) is a Christian organization advancing a free and flourishing society by revolutionizing the way people view their work.
IFWE – Step one to being a Christian at work (NICER)
Industrial Christian Fellowship
Industrial Christian Fellowship has a long history of supporting Christians in the workplace and developing resources that help churches relate to the world of work.
~ study book
Angela De Souza
An entrepreneur ‘Anointed for Business’. A message from Angela De Souza on how we are actually anointed for business and how we need to take the church out into the business world and stop keeping the power of God hidden away in the churches:
Ken Costa – God at Work
Do you know what it means to live each day with purpose? God calls us to the work we are doing. He’s interested not only in what we do but how we do it. Yet, finding purpose at work is one of the greatest challenges in our world today, and many of us struggle to live out our faith from Monday to Friday. Learn from the expertise of many, including Ken Costa, the founder of God at Work, who has been working in Finance for over 40 years.
Workplace matters
Workplace Matters supports Chaplains who are based in a range of interesting locations.
Christians in Commerce
Christians in Commerce members share their workplace stories, reflections and testimonies of being Christ in the Workplace.