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Welcome to the Growing in Faith marketplace page.
Loved and Liked
This course helps you to explore how we are all made uniquely and are loved and liked by God.
Becoming a Franciscan Tertiary
Find out more via the tssf website
“In lamenting, we are just acknowledging the truth about where we are, here and now, and that sometimes … it stinks.”
A short conversation on the crucial but often-avoided topic of lament.
Read more about this conversation on lament
Seeking Shapes for Living
As faithful disciples of Jesus Christ, we are called ‘to work for the flourishing of all people and the flourishing of the whole of creation’. ‘Life in all its fullness’ is the gift God wants for all of us. But if we are to live that calling well we will need to find a sustainable, nurturing shape for our own lives, so easily over-busy with the stressful and overwhelming demands of modern living. Find out more about this Shapes for Living course –
Personal Shapes for Living
Have you ever wondered how to grow and develop as a follower of Christ? How to find your own way for living life to the full? Personal Shapes for Living builds on the Seeking Shapes for Living Course and offers you the chance to walk alongside a mentor and explore how you might grow in faith as a lifetime journey. Sign up now and in January 2021 you will be matched with a mentor who will help you look at your life through the lens of Everyday Faith. You will be encouraged to explore every aspect of your life and find ways of growth, transformation and flourishing. The mentor won’t be an ‘expert’ but someone who knows how to ask some good questions and who will help you keep on track with what you commit to exploring. More importantly they too will be someone who is seeking to grow in the transforming love of God. Please contact Pauline Godfrey on ku.gr1739656426o.coi1739656426dsolg1739656426@yref1739656426dogp1739656426
Becoming Confident Disciples
Jesus’ last commission to his followers was, ‘Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you’ (Matthew 29.19-20). Jesus’ words are both an invitation and a command to each of us to deepen our relationship with him. It doesn’t matter who we are, young or old, new to faith or mature, failing or succeeding – being a disciple is not just for a special few, it is for us all. So what does it mean for you or me to be a disciple?
Discover your vocation
All Christians are disciples called to serve wherever they are. Our relationship with God and other Christians helps us to discern God’s call to us where we are now and where we feel God might be nudging us. The Head of Discipleship and Vocations, the Revd Pauline Godfrey, leads a group of Vocations Advisors who support people, of all ages, across the diocese. Together they help people discern whether God is calling them to use their gifts to offer a particular ministry within the life of the church.
Find out more: Discover your vocation
Spirituality Network for Gloucestershire
Have someone walk with you in your spiritual journey. Spiritual direction is a way of meeting with someone – a spiritual director or guide – to share your thoughts and reflections about your faith, to help you discover and grow.
Prayer is life-changing, but can often be difficult to ‘get into’. This Prayer page provides our growing range of resources, teaching materials and videos from various courses and initiatives going on, to help us in our approach to prayer individually and with others.
Studying Theology with Gloucestershire Theology School (GTS)
GTS is a mobile Theology School offering biblical and theological teaching in your own church or community venue. Designed to be open and accessible to anyone, GTS courses are delivered in a friendly and engaging way, in a familiar environment. Courses are tailored to the needs and interests of your group and can be customised by time, length and content.
Benedictine Oblate
Visit the Benedictine Oblates website
The Iona Community
An ecumenical Christian community of men and women from different walks of life and different traditions in the Church engaged together, and with people of goodwill across the world, in acting, reflecting and praying for justice, peace and the integrity of creation; convinced that the inclusive community we seek must be embodied in the community we practice.
The Bible Reading Fellowship
Enabling all ages to grow in faith. The Bible Reading Fellowship (BRF) is a Christian charity. Our vision is to enable people of all ages to grow in faith and understanding of the Bible and to see more people equipped to exercise their gifts in leadership and ministry.