Marketplace: Faith in the Community

Welcome to the Faith in the community marketplace page.

PDF resources

Where’s the passion – Christological reflections on mission in the margins
Tackling poverty in England – An asset-based approach


Implementing Everyday Faith in your context

This is a talk by Bishop Rachel to an online conference for diocesan teams, looking to implement approaches to Everyday Faith in their contexts.



Caring for the whole of creation is core to the work of the Church as a whole, and as one of the five marks of mission needs to be taken as seriously as work which concerns the physical and spiritual wellbeing of people.
Find out more: our Environment page


The EcoChurch Award Scheme in Gloucestershire

Find out more:

Eco Church – Arocha

We can make the world a better place now and for the future by taking tiny steps as well as great strides.

Visit the Arocha website


Become a Living Wage Employer

We are the organisation at the heart of the independent movement of businesses and people that campaign for the idea that a hard day’s work deserves a fair day’s pay. We celebrate and recognise the leadership of responsible employers who choose to go further and pay a real Living Wage based on the cost of living, not just the government minimum

More about the Living Wage Foundation


The Grace Network: showing that change is possible

Grace Network is a group of people working together in a new way to serve our community, free from obligations of old types of business that harm us and the planet. So far we have facilitated a Stroud Furniture Bank, a The Long Table, a Stroud District Kids’ Stuff, a Kick Off Stroud and have helped facilitate Stroud Foodbank. We have also provide business support to a number of other local community enterprises that have since moved on.

Visit the Grace network website


A book suggestion… Discovering God Through Creation

by Rachel Summers
Wild Worship is for families and churches that want to use creative ways to connect with God outdoors
Find out more


Everyday faith video stories

Watch people from across the county share their story.
More about EDF stories on the CofE website


Inclusive communities

Inclusive communities are communities that include everyone, communities that recognise that nothing can hold us back from the love of God nor from the community of Christians.
More about inclusive communities



launched in 2015 this campaign led by Bishop Rachel promotes the message that who is you, is more than how you look. Bishop Rachel said, “Over the last few years I have been speaking publically about body image anxiety in young people and promoting the message that who you are, is more than how you look. I launched a social media campaign #liedentity with pupils from All Saints Academy in Cheltenham, challenging negative body image and encouraging young people to look within to discover true value and beauty. This has given me a great opportunity to speak with young people about my own identity in Christ and my desire for every person to discover their worth and potential as a unique individual created in the image of God.”
Visit the Liedentity page to find out more


In Conversation with Bishop Rachel … a podcast series

Faith in a changing world. Find out about different projects, organisations, partnerships and inspirational stories, as well as hearing from senior leaders, both lay and ordained, throughout the Diocese.
Listen to podcasts


Citizens UK

A fascinating group of stories about action to prevent social injustice covering items such as accommodation for Syrian Refugees to the Living Wage for all to better public toilets – all issues where we might consider our Christian response.


Feeding the 5,000

Feeding the 5000 What does it mean for you? Was it just another well-known Bible story or does it draw you in to considering injustice? Could you make a loaf of bread for a neighbour? Or add something for Foodbank to your shopping list?

Feeding the 5,000 webpage


The Citizens Manifesto

Has Coronavirus Changed Our Community? Sponsored by the Diocese of Gloucester.
Tue 6 Oct 2020 12:00pm – 1:00pm
Everyman Theatre £12, £10 (restricted view) plus booking fee

From panic-buying melees to socially-distanced lockdowns, Hashi Mohamed explores how our communities coped at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic and asks whether we have seen changes as a result. In Gloucestershire’s worst week at the hands of coronavirus, 54 people lost their lives in our hospitals. Key workers on the front lines have been unflagging in their efforts to ensure our safety and a return to a ‘new normal’ at the very least. Leader of Gloucestershire Council Mark Hawthorne, The Bishop of Gloucester Rachel Treweek and author Madeleine Bunting (Labours of Love) discuss how our community rallied and what has changed in this strange time.

This event is part of The Citizens’ Manifesto series in which we want to bring people together to share stories, make sense of this moment and discuss the choices we now face for the future. We want to know what’s important to you; what are you concerned about, hopeful for and looking forward to in the future? What elements of our lockdown lives should we maintain? And what has been exposed as outdated?
Read more


Wildlife Watch

We absolutely love wildlife – and bet you do too! Wildlife Watch is here for kids that can’t get enough of exploring the great outdoors or those desperate to find out a bit more about the weird and wonderful creatures we share our world with.


Christian Climate Action

A community of Christians supporting each other to take meaningful action in the face of imminent and catastrophic anthropogenic climate breakdown. Inspired by Jesus Christ, and social justice movements of the past, we carry out acts of non-violent direct action to urge those in power to make the change needed.


ABCD-Faith Network Faith and ABCD Facebook group

The beginnings of a network of faith-based practitioners drawn to / practising ‘asset-based’ approaches to community-building, both inside and outside our faith communities.