This page includes information about two distinct areas of work. The first concerns homelessness, and the second concerns areas of new housing.
Being homeless is the lack of a secure place in which to live, or when current accommodation cannot reasonably be stayed in. As well as those who sleep on the streets ‘rough sleepers’, there are many homeless people staying in hostels, with friends, in squats or B&B’s.
The following downloadable document contains a variety of links to agencies working to combat homelessness in our region: Useful Contacts Gloucester 2018
The following is a visual representation of statutory support in Gloucester: Homeless Infographic Gloucester
Other housing Support and Charities are listed below:
Cheltenham 1st Stop Multi-agency one stop shop for people with multiple problems relating to homelessness,
Cheltenham Housing Aid Centre Housing advice to clients who have mental health issues or drug and alcohol issues.
Faith & Voluntary Community Sector Homeless Forum aim to advocate for those ‘without a voice’, increase awareness and understanding of homelessness and vulnerability and encourage partnership working across all sectors. Members work collectively to help support and improve services for those at risk of being made homeless and those who are currently experiencing homelessness in Gloucester and the wider area. Lots of information is available through their website:
Gloucestershire Nightstop is a non-profit organisation offering emergency accommodation in people’s homes. The hosts are people in Gloucestershire who invite you to stay a night with them.
Furniture Recycling Project Supplies safe, clean, re-used furniture, electrical goods and household items at a low cost from Gloucester and Cheltenham shops.
Gloucester City Mission Works with the homeless in Gloucester. In good partnership working with the ecumenical city churches.
Green Square offer housing support in Gloucestershire to those who; you might lose their home, have rent or mortgage arrears, live in unsuitable accommodation, are threatened with eviction or need help budgeting or with benefits?
P3 Aspire Gloucestershire Homeless accommodation service offers accommodation based support services for young people in Cheltenham and Gloucester.
Reclaim Redistributes good quality, reusable, household items, including furniture and electrical goods to families on low incomes. (Part of Vision 21 is an independent sustainability charity focused on Gloucestershire).
Churches and areas of New Housing
Welcoming people to New Housing
Churches Together: New Housing Areas A new web resource for churches working together by serving their local community in planned and actual new housing developments.
Pioneer Ministry in New Housing Areas: Personal Reflections and a Practical Guide – Grove booklet. Down to earth and practical, definitely recommended reading for anyone wanting to engage with new housing. Even if the housing isn’t being built yet – there is lots to be said for engaging with the planning process in the early stages rather than waiting til construction is underway.
Notes are provided form helpful training session with Andrew Tubbs, CEO of Cirencester Council and a Baptist Christian, and his colleague Martin Conyers on the topic ‘Churches working with areas of new housing in Gloucestershire’.