
Vocation to Ministry Day

Vocation to Ministry Day

The Jerusalem Room, No 4 College Green No 4 College Green, Gloucester, United Kingdom

An opportunity for people with a sense that the Holy Spirit is nudging them to explore new ways of serving God in the Church and the world. As we seekContinue reading


Vocation to Ministry Day

Vocation to Ministry Day

The Jerusalem Room, No 4 College Green No 4 College Green, Gloucester, United Kingdom

An opportunity for people with a sense that the Holy Spirit is nudging them to explore new ways of serving God in the Church and the world. As we seekContinue reading


Vocation to Ministry Day

Vocation to Ministry Day

The Jerusalem Room, No 4 College Green No 4 College Green, Gloucester, United Kingdom

An opportunity for people with a sense that the Holy Spirit is nudging them to explore new ways of serving God in the Church and the world. As we seekContinue reading


"I have come that they may have LIFE, and have it to the full." ~ John 10:10