
Vocation to Ministry Day

Vocation to Ministry Day

The Jerusalem Room, No 4 College Green No 4 College Green, Gloucester, United Kingdom

An opportunity for people with a sense that the Holy Spirit is nudging them to explore new ways of serving God in the Church and the world. As we seekContinue reading


Ministry Open Day

Ministry Open Day

We believe The Diocese of Gloucester is a great place to minister and would love to invite clergy from other dioceses to an open day to see all we haveContinue reading

Motherhood and Ministry Seminar, Online

Motherhood and Ministry Seminar, Online

Online event

Motherhood and Ministry: Exploring balance, expectations and possibilities An online gathering of women, led by women, to support women - and particularly those who would like to explore motherhood andContinue reading

Live Launch: The Thrive Collection

Live Launch: The Thrive Collection

Are you part of a multi-parish benefice, and looking for ways to thrive? Are you aware of the enormous potential within MPBs, and yet the distinct challenges they face? AreContinue reading

Vocation to Ministry Day

Vocation to Ministry Day

The Jerusalem Room, No 4 College Green No 4 College Green, Gloucester, United Kingdom

An opportunity for people with a sense that the Holy Spirit is nudging them to explore new ways of serving God in the Church and the world. As we seekContinue reading

Wholeness: Being Well Day

Wholeness: Being Well Day

St Mary's Church, Wotton-under-Edge 5 Culverhay

St Mary’s, Wotton Under Edge We all carry places of pain and hurting spaces within us, it is part of inhabiting a human body and living in human relationships. TheContinue reading

Vocation to Ministry Day

Vocation to Ministry Day

The Jerusalem Room, No 4 College Green No 4 College Green, Gloucester, United Kingdom

An opportunity for people with a sense that the Holy Spirit is nudging them to explore new ways of serving God in the Church and the world. As we seekContinue reading


Cheltenham Youth Connect Meeting April 2024

FireWatch Pentecost youth event 2024

FireWatch Pentecost youth event 2024

St Mary de Crypt, Gloucester Southgate Street,, Gloucester,, United Kingdom

FireWatch “All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit”  FireWatch is a safe space to worship and encounter God.  There will be an “order of service” to follow, withContinue reading

Children and Families: Meeting Point Online Support Group

"I have come that they may have LIFE, and have it to the full." ~ John 10:10