
Induction and Lunch for new Headteachers

Induction and Lunch for new Headteachers

The Jerusalem Room, No 4 College Green, Gloucester, GL1 2LR No 4 College Green, Gloucester, United Kingdom

For headteachers new to a Church school. This essential induction is held centrally with other new colleagues and will provide you with an overview of the people and resources availableContinue reading



Online event

For Headteachers and guest. Our Autumn, Spring and Summer termly training and update sessions called Illuminate for Church school leaders will take place via Zoom. These accessible afternoon sessions will present the latestContinue reading

Induction and Lunch for new Headteachers

Induction and Lunch for new Headteachers

The Jerusalem Room, No 4 College Green, Gloucester, GL1 2LR No 4 College Green, Gloucester, United Kingdom

For headteachers new to a Church school. This essential induction is held centrally with other new colleagues and will provide you with an overview of the people and resources availableContinue reading



Online event

For Headteachers and guest. Our Autumn, Spring and Summer termly training and update sessions called Illuminate for Church school leaders will take place via Zoom. These accessible afternoon sessions will present the latestContinue reading

"I have come that they may have LIFE, and have it to the full." ~ John 10:10