
Grant Writing Workshop

Grant Writing Workshop

St Mary's Church, Charlton Kings Horsefair Street, Cheltenham, United Kingdom

There are many Trusts across the UK who are seeking to make grants to churches and worshipping communities but many churches are unsure how to access these and how toContinue reading

Fundraising Workshop

Fundraising Workshop

Parish Hall Watermoor Trinity Road, Cirencester

This workshop will look at all the different ways that parishes can and do generate income. Bring your ideas and be inspired by what others have done to raise money for all differentContinue reading

GoodWill Event

GoodWill Event

Tewkesbury Abbey Parish Room Church Street, Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, United Kingdom

Have you got questions about Wills, Probate & Power of Attorneys? Have you got no idea how to plan or pay for a funeral? Concerned about the eco nature ofContinue reading

Preaching Generosity Workshop

Preaching Generosity Workshop

St Matthews, Church Road, Cainscross, Stroud

This workshop is designed for anyone who leads in churches and wants to feel more confident in preaching and teaching about giving as a part of our Christian discipleship. TheContinue reading

Planned Giving Workship

Planned Giving Workship

St John the Evangelist Church, St Johns Ave, Churchdown, Gloucester, GL3 2DB

This workshop will equip church leaders with tools to encourage regular planned giving within your congregation. Explore how Christian stewardship and generosity align with discipleship journeys and foster a cultureContinue reading

Fundraising Workshop

Fundraising Workshop

St Nicholas Church, Ashchurch Ashchurch,, Tewkesbury

This workshop will look at all the different ways that parishes can and do generate income. Bring your ideas and be inspired by what others have done to raise money for all differentContinue reading

"I have come that they may have LIFE, and have it to the full." ~ John 10:10