
Religious Education and the new SIAMS framework

Religious Education and the new SIAMS framework

Holiday Inn Gloucester-Cheltenham Crest Way, Barnwood, Gloucester, United Kingdom

For RE Subject Leaders, class teachers, Early Career Teachers. In the changing world of RE, this new central training course has been designed to answer the following questions: How canContinue reading


Exploring Academisation

Exploring Academisation

Holiday Inn Gloucester-Cheltenham Crest Way, Barnwood, Gloucester, United Kingdom

For governors, trustees and headteachers of maintained Church Schools and SATs and headteachers. Other senior leaders are also welcome. An opportunity to find out more about the DBE strategy forContinue reading


Meet the School Trusts

Meet the School Trusts

Online via Zoom

For headteachers, chairs of governors, senior leaders An opportunity to meet individuals from within the family of School Trusts who work with our schools, make connections and find out aboutContinue reading


"I have come that they may have LIFE, and have it to the full." ~ John 10:10