
Into Incumbency: Supervision Skills

Into Incumbency: Supervision Skills

The Jerusalem Room, No 4 College Green, Gloucester, GL1 2LR No 4 College Green, Gloucester, United Kingdom

Supervision is the art of helping someone develop in their ministry or role. At its heart it is offering someone thinking space so they can think through what they areContinue reading

Into Incumbency: Legal Matters

Into Incumbency: Legal Matters

The Jerusalem Room, No 4 College Green, Gloucester, GL1 2LR No 4 College Green, Gloucester, United Kingdom

This session covers some of the main areas where legal issues impact on day to day ministry.  This includes: Marriage - banns, qualifying connections, common and special licenses and marriageContinue reading


Into Incumbency: Environment and Faith

Into Incumbency: Environment and Faith

The Jerusalem Room, No 4 College Green, Gloucester, GL1 2LR No 4 College Green, Gloucester, United Kingdom

Against the background of the climate and biodiversity emergencies, the Diocese is giving increasing priority to exploring environmental concerns as a core discipleship priority.  We achieved bronze Eco Diocese accreditationContinue reading

Into Incumbency: Church Schools

Into Incumbency: Church Schools

The Jerusalem Room, No 4 College Green, Gloucester, GL1 2LR No 4 College Green, Gloucester, United Kingdom

Exploring the ways that the incumbent can engage with children, staff and pupils in their schools and to help us understand the important aspects of children’s spirituality, as well asContinue reading


Into Incumbency: Buildings and Faculties

Into Incumbency: Buildings and Faculties

The Jerusalem Room, No 4 College Green, Gloucester, GL1 2LR No 4 College Green, Gloucester, United Kingdom

This session is designed to help clergy navigate the broad and potentially complex range of issues affecting buildings and churchyards.  Putting buildings within their wider missional context and not simplyContinue reading

Into Incumbency: Leading a Positive Safeguarding Culture

Into Incumbency: Leading a Positive Safeguarding Culture

The Jerusalem Room, No 4 College Green, Gloucester, GL1 2LR No 4 College Green, Gloucester, United Kingdom

Looking at the specific role of the incumbent in safeguarding: where the responsibilities lie, how to develop the safeguarding work of the parishes and oversight of those involved, and howContinue reading


Into Incumbency: The ABCD of Community

Into Incumbency: The ABCD of Community

The Jerusalem Room, No 4 College Green, Gloucester, GL1 2LR No 4 College Green, Gloucester, United Kingdom

Asset Based Community Development encourages good practice for churches engaging with local communities.  The ABCD approach resonates with the Christian understanding of ‘mission dei’ - finding out what God isContinue reading

Into Incumbency: Keep on Running the Race

Into Incumbency: Keep on Running the Race

The Jerusalem Room, No 4 College Green, Gloucester, GL1 2LR No 4 College Green, Gloucester, United Kingdom

With our commitments to those we serve we also need a commitment to ourselves - to what keeps us growing as human beings, as disciples and as ministers. This sessionContinue reading


"I have come that they may have LIFE, and have it to the full." ~ John 10:10