
The Difference Course

The Difference Course

Cooke Room, St Mary DeCrypt, Southgate St, Gloucester GL1 2DR

Responding to Archbishop Justin’s vision for the church to be a reconciling presence in the midst of conflict, this course explores what it means to follow Jesus in our livesContinue reading

Preaching the Lectionary Gospel

Preaching the Lectionary Gospel

St Mary de Crypt, Gloucester Southgate Street, Gloucester, United Kingdom

Sometimes it can be difficult to keep our preaching on the Lectionary Gospel fresh, especially when the same stories and episodes come up in subsequent years, and when the textContinue reading

Preaching the Lectionary Gospel

Preaching the Lectionary Gospel

St Mary de Crypt, Gloucester Southgate Street, Gloucester, United Kingdom

Sometimes it can be difficult to keep our preaching on the Lectionary Gospel fresh, especially when the same stories and episodes come up in subsequent years, and when the textContinue reading


The Difference Course

The Difference Course

Cooke Room, St Mary DeCrypt, Southgate St, Gloucester GL1 2DR

Responding to Archbishop Justin’s vision for the church to be a reconciling presence in the midst of conflict, this course explores what it means to follow Jesus in our livesContinue reading

Exciting new training opportunity for Children, Youth and Families Ministry
CALLED to LIVE – Sunday to Saturday (Taster session)

CALLED to LIVE – Sunday to Saturday
Mental Health First Aid Training Part 1

Mental Health First Aid Training Part 1

Mental Health First Aid England (MHFA) is an internationally recognised training programme. Through the training participants will gain the skills and confidence to spot the triggers and signs of mental healthContinue reading

Open the Gospel Learning Community

Open the Gospel Learning Community

Online event

Do you sometimes read the Gospel for this coming Sunday and wonder what new perspective you might find? Would you value space to wrestle with the text with other, faithfulContinue reading

Open the Gospel Learning Community

Open the Gospel Learning Community

Online event

Do you sometimes read the Gospel for this coming Sunday and wonder what new perspective you might find? Would you value space to wrestle with the text with other, faithfulContinue reading

"I have come that they may have LIFE, and have it to the full." ~ John 10:10