
Open the Gospel Learning Community

Open the Gospel Learning Community

Online event

Do you sometimes read the Gospel for this coming Sunday and wonder what new perspective you might find? Would you value space to wrestle with the text with other, faithfulContinue reading

Open the Gospel Learning Community

Open the Gospel Learning Community

Online event

Do you sometimes read the Gospel for this coming Sunday and wonder what new perspective you might find? Would you value space to wrestle with the text with other, faithfulContinue reading

Unconscious Bias Training

Unconscious Bias Training

The Jerusalem Room, No 4 College Green No 4 College Green, Gloucester, United Kingdom

We all have opinions, are aware of it and make allowances. What is of greater concern is those of which we are unconscious. This training, which is part of ourContinue reading

Open the Gospel Learning Community

Open the Gospel Learning Community

Online event

Do you sometimes read the Gospel for this coming Sunday and wonder what new perspective you might find? Would you value space to wrestle with the text with other, faithfulContinue reading

Unconscious Bias Training

Unconscious Bias Training

The Jerusalem Room, No 4 College Green No 4 College Green, Gloucester, United Kingdom

We all have opinions, are aware of it and make allowances. What is of greater concern is those of which we are unconscious. This training, which is part of ourContinue reading


Open the Gospel Learning Community

Open the Gospel Learning Community

Online event

Do you sometimes read the Gospel for this coming Sunday and wonder what new perspective you might find? Would you value space to wrestle with the text with other, faithfulContinue reading

Open the Gospel Learning Community

Open the Gospel Learning Community

Online event

Do you sometimes read the Gospel for this coming Sunday and wonder what new perspective you might find? Would you value space to wrestle with the text with other, faithfulContinue reading

Open the Gospel Learning Community

Open the Gospel Learning Community

Online event

Do you sometimes read the Gospel for this coming Sunday and wonder what new perspective you might find? Would you value space to wrestle with the text with other, faithfulContinue reading

Run the Race

Run the Race

Prinknash Abbey Prinknash Abbey, Gloucester

Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight and the sin that clings so closely, and let us runContinue reading

Open the Gospel Learning Community

Open the Gospel Learning Community

Online event

Do you sometimes read the Gospel for this coming Sunday and wonder what new perspective you might find? Would you value space to wrestle with the text with other, faithfulContinue reading

Reader Café Meet Up

Reader Café Meet Up

Lavender Bakehouse and Coffee Shop 20 London Road, Chalford, Stroud, United Kingdom

Drop in for a coffee and a chat with our Interim Warden of Readers, Nick Partridge, as well as finding support and connecting with other Readers in the Diocese ofContinue reading

Open the Gospel Learning Community

Open the Gospel Learning Community

Online event

Do you sometimes read the Gospel for this coming Sunday and wonder what new perspective you might find? Would you value space to wrestle with the text with other, faithfulContinue reading

Open the Gospel Learning Community

Open the Gospel Learning Community

Online event

Do you sometimes read the Gospel for this coming Sunday and wonder what new perspective you might find? Would you value space to wrestle with the text with other, faithfulContinue reading

Open the Gospel Learning Community

Open the Gospel Learning Community

Online event

Do you sometimes read the Gospel for this coming Sunday and wonder what new perspective you might find? Would you value space to wrestle with the text with other, faithfulContinue reading

Quiet Days for anyone in Ministry

Quiet Days for anyone in Ministry

Brownshill Monastry Brownshill Road, Stroud, United Kingdom

A gentle day of prayer and reflection. Time for silence, space to walk and reflect in the presence of others who share our calling. In the beautiful countryside of Stroud,Continue reading


Funeral Ministry and Bereavement Training

Reader Training Day and AGM

Reader Training Day and AGM

Hatherley Manor Down Hatherley Lane, Gloucester

This event is for Readers of Gloucester Diocese ONLY. Reader Training Day is a full day of training and networking for our Reader Community at Hatherley Manor Hotel. It willContinue reading

Bereavement Visitor Training

Bereavement Visitor Training

Monday 16 June - Monday 7 July 2025 @ 7.30-9.00pm in The Monastery', (the old House of Frazer Building) near Cirencester Parish Church, Market Place, Cirencester, GL7 2NX. (possibility ofContinue reading

Quiet Days for anyone in Ministry

Quiet Days for anyone in Ministry

Brownshill Monastry Brownshill Road, Stroud, United Kingdom

A gentle day of prayer and reflection. Time for silence, space to walk and reflect in the presence of others who share our calling. In the beautiful countryside of Stroud,Continue reading


Readers and Lay Ministry Licensing Service 2025

Readers and Lay Ministry Licensing Service 2025

Gloucester Cathedral College Green, Gloucester

Date: Saturday 13 September 2025 Timings: 2pm -  Arrival and Robing 3pm -  Service in the Cathedral Nave Booking information to come Spring 2025. Venue: Gloucester Cathedral      Continue reading

"I have come that they may have LIFE, and have it to the full." ~ John 10:10