An opportunity for people with a sense that the Holy Spirit is nudging them to explore new ways of serving God in the Church and the world. As we seek to respond to God’s call we often need the space to engage, question, struggle and pray for discernment. Through input, discussion and personal reflection, guest speakers and scripture, various callings and ministries are explored. Attendees are encouraged to reflect upon their own personal journey of Christian discipleship and to utilise resources for discerning God’s will for their lives.
Guests from a variety of ministries, lay and ordained, share their experiences and answer questions.
This course is free (lunch provided)
Led by: Pauline Godfrey on ku.gr1737745086o.coi1737745086dsolg1737745086@yerf1737745086dogp1737745086
For more information please contact Pauline
To book your place please click here