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Safeguarding Basic Awareness and Foundation

Wednesday 8 February 2023, 9:30 am to 1:00 pm

Basic and Foundation safeguarding courses are both available online through the Safeguarding Portal. However we are offering Face to Face training for those who prefer face to face training.

The training will be split into Basic and Foundation and you can come to one or both courses.

Basic – 9.30am – 11am

This is an excellent introduction to safeguarding training that can be done online. This course aims to provide learners with a basic awareness of safeguarding and enable them to integrate this into their Christian faith and the Church’s ministry.

It is open for anyone to complete, regardless of their role, including members of congregations.

Learning outcomes

  • Connect the core principles and practices of safeguarding to the Christian faith.
  • Recognise issues of power and abuse as they present themselves in a range of contexts, including the Church.
  • Identify the barriers (emotional, psychological & theological) that can prevent the promotion of heathy Church communities.
  • Apply a clear process in the handling of concerns/safeguarding information whilst recognising the boundaries of their own role.

Foundation – 11.30am – 1pm

This module builds on the Basic Awareness module and the aims are “To enable learners to contribute to, and implement, good safeguarding practice within church and community contexts.”

Learning outcomes

  • Connect an understanding of good safeguarding practice to their own role and responsibilities.
  • Recognise commonalities and differences arising from the age or circumstances of those affected, and how this informs appropriate action.
  • Identify wider support, accountability, and governance arrangements relevant for safeguarding in their context.
  • Analyse and respond appropriately to a variety of safeguarding scenarios whilst recognising the boundaries of their own role.

To book a place please email ku.gr1739282407o.coi1739282407dsolg1739282407@gnin1739282407iartg1739282407nidra1739282407ugefa1739282407s1739282407


Wednesday 8 February 2023
9:30 am to 1:00 pm
Event Category:
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St Matthew’s Church, Clarence Street, Cheltenham, GL50 3PL

"I have come that they may have LIFE, and have it to the full." ~ John 10:10