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Living with your Mortality

Monday 26 June 2023, 10:00 am to 3:00 pm

An elderly couple walking over the cliffs towards a bay and the seaMost dioceses provide pre-retirement courses for clergy (of a variable standard), often at a few years before the actual retirement date, and some of us have profited from them; but rarely is there much else specifically geared for those who have already retired.

The major and inescapable future event for all of us is our own death, whether near or far. How should we live our life in that light?  How might our faith inform us? What might change as years advance? How might we pray? This day will be led by the Revd Canon Dr Joanna Collicutt, who has made a study of ageing and spirituality, especially among clergy.  She will lead us in a mixture of reflection, input and sharing. We will also have a contribution from Dr Ian Donald, a retired consultant in geriatric medicine of what to expect – or not – as we age.

The day is open to all retired clergy and partners.  It will be free of charge (we hope – still being negotiated!) to both clergy and partners. However, numbers are limited so early application is advised.

Applications to Mike Parsons to reserve your place – indicate if just for you or your partner as well.


Monday 26 June 2023
10:00 am to 3:00 pm
Event Tags:


Gloucester Farmers Club, Greville Close, Gloucester, GL2 9RG

"I have come that they may have LIFE, and have it to the full." ~ John 10:10