This training is delivered online via Zoom. It is spread over two 90-minute sessions. It requires some pre learning to be submitted prior to the training. The second part will be on 4 May at the same time.
The module is for all those with the Bishop’s Licence (stipendiary and self-supporting clergy, and Readers). It is also required for those in specific leadership roles in a parish setting. Please refer to the tick document.
Learning outcomes
- Connect the Church’s mission and theological foundations with what good leadership behaviour looks like in a safeguarding context.
- Evaluate aspects of their own leadership practice and identify changes required which they then take forward with confidence.
- Analyse what healthy Christian communities look like, how healthy communities keep people safe, and their role as leaders in shaping Christian communities that are healthy and safe.
- Reflect on the impact that abuse and trauma have on individuals’ lives, relationships, and interaction in a community setting.
- Integrate their own faith, beliefs, and values with those underpinning good safeguarding behaviours.
To book a place please email ku.gr1739200873o.coi1739200873dsolg1739200873@gnin1739200873iartg1739200873nidra1739200873ugefa1739200873s1739200873