New talent sought to tackle racism in the C of E

Published: Friday February 16, 2024

“Racism has no place in the Church of England, but we must face the fact that it still exists. As West Midlands bishops, meeting on Stephen Lawrence Day, we strongly affirm the work of the Archbishops’ Anti-Racism Taskforce and the report ‘From Lament to Action’ … We acknowledge our part in past and present failures, and recognise the challenges it presents. We wholeheartedly support its recommendations and look forward to taking them forward with energy and determination.”

Anglican Bishops in the West Midlands (which includes Bishop Rachel and Bishop Robert)

We need to say it clearly. Racism is a sin. It is an affront to the very nature of God who created us, each one of us, every one of us, with no exceptions, children of one blood … called to rejoice in one another.

Since 2021 and the launch of From Lament to Action, steps have been taken by people from across our diocese to implement the recommendations set out to promote racial justice and tackle racism in the Church of England. Over the last few years, conversations have developed and networks have grown across the West Midlands region about how, together, we might better tackle racism and see it eliminated from our culture, structures and behaviours.

These conversations led to a joint West Midlands region bid (Birmingham, Coventry, Gloucester, Hereford, Lichfield, Worcester) to the national Church for funds, recognising that by collaborating across the region, we can develop a team able to effect change in a way that none of us could create alone.

We are excited to share that these funds were approved and now a dynamic team of 11 people will be recruited. The first of these posts are now being advertised, please do check them out on our vacancy page –  See also here for other roles, based in Birmingham, that are being advertised:  West Mids RJ Roles

Our hope is that this team, working with all six dioceses, will help us respond and, more importantly, act, confronting racism in our Church, in wider society, in our county … and crucially in ourselves.

Locally, in our diocese, we are developing a Bishops’ Racial Justice Advisory Group to feed into the regional board and work being developed locally. If you would be interested in being part of this work, please do contact Lucy Taylor on ku.gr1739464221o.coi1739464221dsolg1739464221@roly1739464221atl1739464221

Racism is simply never someone else’s problem; it is mine and yours and needs to be actively confronted and countered.
Bishop Rachel and Bishop Robert


2 thoughts on “New talent sought to tackle racism in the C of E

  1. This is extremely unimpressive – just reams of abstract waffle without a single concrete example of what you actually have in mind by “racism”. Do you mean members of ethnic minorities being insulted, physically abused, or excluded from events on the grounds of race? Or do you mean something like not enough archdeacons from ethnic minority backgrounds proportionate to their percentage in the general population? “Racism” and “racial justice” can mean almost anything.

  2. Not long ago I was in need of carers to shower and dress me. They were all pblack and I really made them feel welcome . I had heard that they were not always made to feel welcome .I am so pleased that I
    accepted them . I have heard many stories about their Christian upbringing, and they are lovely.
    When they leave me at around 7.30 a.m we pray together for God to be with us in all that we do are God’s children , just the same we are .

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