New housing scheme will help refugees rebuild their lives in the diocese

Published: Tuesday March 5, 2024

A new scheme to help refugees settle in Gloucestershire has been set up by Gloucestershire County Council, in partnership with GARAS and the Diocese of Gloucester. The scheme offers asylum seekers with leave to remain in the UK with accommodation and support for up to three months.

The Home for Refugees (HRF) scheme, operated by Gloucestershire County Council, aims to provide short-term supported accommodation for refugees who have received a positive decision on their asylum claim, and have been granted leave to remain in the UK. Those who are given refugee status are asked to leave their accommodation, often with short notice, so the County Council has introduced the scheme to give this group of new refugees a little more time to look for their own accommodation, secure benefits, find employment and work out their next steps.

The HRF scheme matches refugees with hosts – people who have registered to offer a spare room or other accommodation – and puts them in touch with scheme partner Gloucestershire Action for Refugees and Asylum Seekers (GARAS) to arrange a meeting. The host then has the opportunity to meet the potential guests before deciding whether to go ahead with the placement or not.

As a Patron of GARAS, the Rt Revd Bishop Rachel Treweek is supporting the scheme.

Adele Owen, Director of GARAS, says, “Bishop Rachel has always had a true interest in our work, with visits to our premises and the opportunity to meet with clients and staff. Bishop Rachel has also facilitated meetings that have been very helpful in developing the work with our clients. When there have been crises in the world such as new conflicts that have changed the nature of work locally, the Diocese has always been ready to support: I think back to the invasion of Ukraine two years ago and the questions about what could be done to help and to promote different initiatives has been so important.

“Now we are in a situation of looking for possible hosts to assist with newly granted refugees and are working in partnership with Gloucestershire County Council to encourage a new scheme called Homes for Refugees. The structure of the scheme parallels the Homes for Ukraine scheme; with UK residents providing spare rooms, properties, or annexes as accommodation. Hosts are offered a monthly ‘thank you’ payment of £600 to cover extra household expenses, and guests are given wrap-around support to assist them in moving towards independence.”

Earlier this year, Gloucestershire County Council identified Wheatridge Court in Abbeydale as accommodation for people who have been given refugee status.

Adele says, “We believe that the partnership with the Diocese may help people to come forward to offer their homes for this scheme and again help to house those disposed by war and the internal situations in their home countries.

“It has been a real privilege to be working with the partners all committed to assist new refugees both from hotels and dispersal accommodation at a time of vulnerability with the aim to prevent homelessness.”

If you are interested in offering your home as accommodation under the Homes for Refugees scheme, please contact ku.vo1739447566g.eri1739447566hsret1739447566secuo1739447566lg@RF1739447566H1739447566 or visit

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