St Lawrence’s brings ‘Wild West’ to Lechlade

Published: Monday September 4, 2023

For four days in the last week of the school holidays, more than 70 children attended each day of the ‘Wild West’ holiday club organised by St Lawrence, Lechlade in the South Cotswolds Team Ministry.

St Lawrence’s summer holiday club is proving to be a popular event, last year holding its first club since the pandemic lockdowns to a jungle-inspired theme and a church full of children and volunteers.

The Revd Andrew Cinnamond, vicar of St Lawrence, says, “This year the church building was transformed into a Western setting by moving the pews to the school hall for a well-deserved holiday. The children who came enjoyed a fun mix of singing, craft, games and looking at the stories of Jesus in Luke’s Gospel. ‘Milkshake’, the pantomime cow, was a firm favourite.”

Families and friends were also invited to a BBQ lunch on the last day, and an all-age celebration service was also held on the Sunday to encourage families to get involved in other areas of church life.

The week is put together and run by an army of volunteers who all get as much enjoyment out of the days as the children.

Andrew says, “Our annual holiday club is a real highlight of the year. It is a great opportunity to reach out to the local community with the Good News of Jesus Christ and to make an impact in the lives of lots of children. It wouldn’t be possible without the enthusiasm and passion of a team of more than 30 volunteers, who painted cacti scenery, organised online registrations, served refreshments, prepared craft materials and a whole host of other things. We are praying that the club wouldn’t be an end in itself but families might think about Sunday groups, our after-school club, ‘Explorers’, or a mid-week youth club for older children. Holiday clubs are hard work, but an amazing way to build up the regular congregation as well as reaching out with our Christian faith.”

Thinking is already underway for next year’s club with an ‘Undersea Adventure’ theme…

Take a look at some of the photos from the week on St Lawrence’s Facebook page: 



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