New trees planted at Gloucester Cathedral to mark King’s Coronation

Published: Friday November 17, 2023

On Tuesday 14 November – the 75th birthday of His Majesty King Charles III – members of the Gloucestershire Lieutenancy and representatives from Gloucester Cathedral gathered on Cathedral Green to plant three trees to mark the King’s Coronation.

The King’s 75th birthday was a fitting day to plant three cherry trees at Gloucester Cathedral to celebrate His Majesty’s Coronation and as part of the legacy of the Queen’s Green Canopy, a unique tree-planting initiative created to mark the Platinum Jubilee of Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II in 2022.

Each of the 98 Lieutenancies in the UK have been awarded a grant to plant a tree or trees, as well as to install a plaque to commemorate the Coronation of His Majesty King Charles III on 6 May 2023. Members of the Gloucestershire Lieutenancy, which includes South Gloucestershire, identified Gloucester Cathedral as an ideal location for these trees to be planted, given the Cathedral’s role at the heart of the city, county and diocese.

The planting ceremony took place on Cathedral Green – the former car park that was transformed into a green space as part of Project Pilgrim and was attended by Edward Gillespie OBE, Lord-Lieutenant, and The Very Reverend Andrew Zihni, Dean of Gloucester, accompanied by Deputy Lieutenants and members of the Cathedral team. The trees are a combination of ‘Chocolate Ice’ and ‘Fragrant Cloud’, chosen for their beautiful blossom which will look its most spectacular every May to coincide with the anniversary of the Coronation. They were kindly supplied by Gloucestershire’s Gotherington Nurseries.

Edward Gillespie OBE, Lord-Lieutenant, said: “It is an immense honour for the Gloucestershire Lieutenancy to plant these trees at the Cathedral on the 75th birthday of King Charles III to commemorate His Majesty’s Coronation. We are grateful to Dean Andrew and to the Queen’s Green Canopy. The QGC had a tremendously positive impact on the UK’s landscape. Across our Lieutenancy, thousands of trees were planted, creating a sustainable, living legacy marking Queen Elizabeth’s 70-year reign.”

The Very Reverend Andrew Zihni, Dean of Gloucester, added: “We are delighted that Gloucestershire Lieutenancy chose Gloucester Cathedral as the location to plant these wonderful trees, and I very much enjoyed being part of the planting ceremony on the day of His Majesty The King’s birthday. The trees are the perfect addition to Cathedral Green, and we hope our visitors will enjoy their stunning blossom every spring for years to come. It is a fitting tribute to His Majesty King Charles III, as well as to the life of Her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.”


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