Free Canva Pro for parishes

Published: Friday July 21, 2023

A man working on his computer with his back to the cameraCanva is an online design tool that can be used to design a range of publicity materials from graphics for social media to fliers and videos. As a charity, PCCs may register for a free Canva Pro account.

Canva Pro allows you to save your logo, brand colours and fonts, and images in a brand hub, speeding up the process of design and making all your media look consistent and coherent. You can have a team of people using the same account with access to the brand hub and all the other materials that members of the team have made.

However, due to an increase in fraudulent applications, Canva has made the decision to be more stringent with the documents they accept for proof of charity status.

The documents that they accept for churches are:

  • Articles and Memorandum of Association
  • Certificate of Incorporation
  • Bylaws
  • Local Tax Exemption Certificate 
  • For churches with an income of over 100k annual income who are therefore listed as registered charities, they can use proof from the Charity Commissions website

For the first three documents, more info can be found here: Governing Documents of PCCs – Parish Resources.

For the ‘local tax exemption certificate’, when a church registers for Gift Aid they will get a letter from HMRC. The number may also be on other correspondence from HMRC Charities. The reference number will start with two letters or an X and will include up to 5 numbers. If the HMRC doc is used to apply for a non-profit account, select ‘HM Revenue and Customs’ as the ‘Registry Institution’ dropdown on the non-profit registration form.

Apply for your free account here -> You should find out in a few days whether your application was successful.

Engagement: Living out Christ's love and hope


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