A fond farewell to Ugly Duckling Company CEO Sharon Lanfear

Published: Friday September 22, 2023

Sharon LanfearOn Thursday 21 September, the team at Ugly Duckling Company (UDC) said farewell to their CEO, Sharon Lanfear.

The Ugly Duckling Company is a Christian charity that creates resources and delivers services for individuals, churches, schools, community groups and others. Sharon began her involvement with the company in 2003, serving as a trustee for ten years before taking on the role of Operations Manager in 2013. Following the sudden death of Paul Griffiths (UDC’s Founder and CEO) in 2017, Sharon took on the leadership of UDC.

Over the years, Sharon has been involved in the development of several of the company’s Table Talks, taking a lead in Table Talk for Women, Wellbeing, Change, Children and Families. She co-authored The Happiness Lab course and participated in the filming of the resource as one of the delegates. She also co-authored Resolve – a course which helps people explore how to look after their body, strengthen their mind, inspire their soul and deepen their relationships.

Sharon says, “My time at UDC has definitely been a rollercoaster. I have been pushed outside my comfort zone on more than one occasion but I’ve had so many amazing opportunities and experiences as a result. It has been such a privilege to be part of an amazing team and to have met some amazing people.

“I feel honoured and privileged to have been part of an organisation, that for the last 25 years has been exploring new ways of connecting with people and the power of conversation.”

In addition to her role at UDC, Sharon has been involved in charity work in Ghana. Several years ago, the charity that her brother founded started a building project. Following his death four years ago, the charity was closed and the project was put on hold. After taking some time out to rest, reflect and plan, Sharon will be setting up an NGO in Ghana to oversee the rebirth of the project. The Adoley Foundation will be a community-based organisation that is centered on the health and well-being of women and their families.

Following Sharon’s departure, Nathan Jones, UDC’s current Assistant Director, will take on the role of Interim CEO. He comes with a wealth of experience in both the charity sector and Church-based ministry.

Nate says, “As an organisation we owe a deep and heartful thanks to Sharon for all she has done for UDC over the past 20 years. She has simply been brilliant. We will really miss her at UDC but know that she will be an incredible blessing to the people of Ghana as she has been to the work of UDC.”

If you would like to write to Sharon to wish her well then please do drop her an email: moc.y1739000760napmo1739000760cgnil1739000760kcudy1739000760lgueh1739000760t@eci1739000760ffo1739000760 writing ‘For Sharon’ in the subject heading and UDC will make sure she gets your message.

To find out more about Ugly Duckling Company visit: UDC (theuglyducklingcompany.com)


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