RE and Art Competition reminder, 2021 – 2022

Published: Tuesday March 22, 2022

Glimpses of Belief

A picture of a hand, drawing the world with the words "Who does this hand belong to?"

The Education Team is running its annual RE and art competition, for our family of schools, on the theme Glimpses of Belief.
This year, to make things as simple as possible, we will only be receiving entries sent electronically. Any art medium or any sized work can be produced, but it will need to be photographed or scanned. Each entry also needs to be accompanied by a brief explanation from the child, explaining what they have created and how it links to their RE learning and understanding. This can be written by the child or transcribed by an adult and must be sent with their artwork.
Please send all entries to Debbie Helme c/o eku.gr1739465949o.coi1739465949dsolg1739465949@noit1739465949acud1739465949 by Friday 8 April. 
Find out more via our website here in the RE Awards, Competitions and Initiatives section.

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