Message from Jo Hunter for the Diocesan Education News

Published: Tuesday March 22, 2022

Peace I leave with you My peace I give unto you Let not your heart be troubledI hope that you had a restful half-term following the rather ferocious weather to start the holidays.  We hope that this did not cause you significant damage or any harm.

Who couldn’t help but reflect on the story of Jesus calming the storm?  I am sure for many a prayer or plea was uttered during those days of the storms, followed by a prayer of thanks when the calmness was restored.

We have now entered the period of Lent, with pancake traditions enjoyed by many on Tuesday with the decision of which topping to choose and with some of us starting to think about our personal journey this Lent.  This was followed by the marking of the start of Lent on Ash Wednesday with some Christians wearing the mark of Christ with ashes on their forehead, the focus colour changing from green to purple on worship and reflection tables – outward signs to show we are remembering the time when Jesus fasted in the desert for 40 days.
This is a time of prayer and reflection as well as a time for action. As you journey through Lent this year, you may be helped by the Church of England 40 day challenge #LiveLent:EmbracingJustice where children and adults can explore how to live well together and embrace justice by being speakers and seekers of hope and justice together. Read on to find out what other resources are available to support your Lenten journey including publications from Jumping Fish.

Live Lent, Embracing Justice - a group of hands in a circleAs we face our own challenges in Lent and beyond, it is good to remember that we are not alone and you are not alone, part of the #FantasticFamilyOfSchools in the Diocese of Gloucester.  Please remember that we are here to help and support.

With blessings and good wishes

Jo Hunter signature

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