Local and National Updates – March Diocesan Education News

Published: Friday March 25, 2022

Congratulations and welcome to the following leaders who are joining us this Spring term or changing their role:

Steph Matthews – interim executive headteacher at Holy Trinity CofE Primary School, Cheltenham.  Steph also continues in her role as headteacher at St Paul’s.
Welcome to Clare Tilling who is providing interim executive leadership at St Peter’s CofE Primary, Newnham as well as continuing in her role as headteacher at St White’s Primary School.

Thank you to all those headteachers who continue to support and serve other schools, both formally and informally, across the Diocese of Gloucester.  If you are interested in being considered for a future interim or executive leadership role or would like to mentor another Church School headteacher please contact ku.gr1739196329o.coi1739196329dsolg1739196329@retn1739196329uhj1739196329 or complete the attached form here.


Calling all Small Schools
Working in partnership with the Rural Partnership Group all schools are invited to attend their free events/webinars championing smaller, rural and coastal schools.  The next one, lead by the Chartered College is on 9 March, 5.30-6.30pm which will be a Q&A with Ofsted: small schools and the inspection framework.
Free registration here https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/qa-with-ofsted-small-schools-and-the-inspection-framework-tickets-254476615407?keep_tld=1

17 June 8.00am-4.00pm there is a day which will focus on case studies of 3 schools’ curriculum, organised for mixed-age classes (near Chelmsford).  For information and free registration here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/teaching-rural-network-present-primary-school-visit-tickets-260903749137


Icon says The Christian Adventure Centre Viney Hill with a small hill with a cross on itWe have worked with Adam ( from Sportily) to offer an Easter Special adventure day for local primary school children this April. We will be using the story of The Good Samaritan to teach some invaluable First Aid skills and actively practice being a Good Samaritan along with a re-telling of the story, role play and fun activities. Adam has done an amazing job of designing this day and it sounds really great! Please click here for more information. To book or for more information please contact: gro.e1739196329rutne1739196329vdall1739196329ihyen1739196329iv@of1739196329ni1739196329


Picture of a wooden post with a circle saying Way Maker and a pair of binoculars. Next to it says New Free Lent 2022 Ideas.Our new free resource for Lent, Way Maker has now gone live for schools to download. With 6 weeks of content, Way Maker takes pupils on a journey through Lent, reflecting on Jesus’ ministry and his example of being a ‘Way Maker’ and serving others. The 6 sessions help pupils to explore what it means to be: servant hearted, compassionate, accepting, bold, forgiving and a light in the darkness. Way Maker helps pupils consider what these examples mean for their own lives and the practical actions they can take to become way makers in their community. This resource can be used in the classroom or in collective worship. Challenges can be done individually or as a group or class. Watch the introduction video to the resource below, to find out more. Sign up here to download the resources: www.abyyt.com/lent.


A picture of planet earth with shapes around it of fish, trees, waves, stars, a rocket. And the words God's Planet across the image. RISE Theatre is a Christian theatre company who develop original, entertaining faith based drama for schools, churches and events around the country.  We are soon to embark on our latest interactive primary school day, God’s Planet and are now booking for this year’s summer term .
Please see our website for more information. Here is a peek at the God’s Planet trailer to give you an idea of what the day involves – https://youtu.be/mrJgK_0htug ).
‘Shake off your dust; rise up’ Isaiah 52:1-2

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