Elizabeth Hutchison from Daglingworth is our #EcoChurchInAnHour star of the week.
Liz has been a member of the Church of the Holy Rood for over 35 years and coordinates a team of church cleaners who have been thinking about the impact their volunteering has on the environment.
Two people each month clean the church together and help to look after the beautiful church.
Liz said, “I am removing single-use products and trying where possible to replace them with multi-use materials. All cleaning wipes are being replaced with cloths and dusters.
“We are looking for products that are chemical-free, ethically sourced and in containers that are easily recycled.
“At the moment we use a beeswax polish with an aerosol but plan to replace this with a non-chemical wax or lavender polish in a tub that can be recycled.
“Our Henry hoover uses bags, but these can be emptied and reused many times, which is my job!
“As a PCC we are all keen to help the environment and look after our very special Church of the Holy Rood. It’s a Christian thing to do, helping and looking after each other by being part of the cleaning rota.”
Could you clean up your church’s act like Liz?