Change to faculty rules helps make churches greener

Published: Friday July 1, 2022

A patch of unmown grass in a churchyard

The rules around doing work on churches have changed today (1 July 2022), to help the Church of England achieve net-zero carbon by 2030.

Parishes will now be expected to pay attention to advice from the Church Buildings Council on net-zero carbon. Some of the considerations listed in the practical path include switching to 100% renewable energy, completing the Energy Footprint Tool as part of the Parish Return each year, and taking care to maintain the building effectively.

It’s part of a wider programme of energy-cutting measures taking place across the entire Church of England in the coming years. Find out more detail about how it applies to your setting below.

Faculty (Amendment) Rules 2022: Supporting churches to become net-zero carbon by 2030

Amendments to the faculty rules came into force on 1 July. The full text of the faculty rules as amended is here: Faculty rules as amended – July 2022

New Lists A and B are available here: Lists A and B

The key guidance prepared by the National Church’s Environmental Programme Team to support the net-zero carbon elements of the amended rules is here.

One element of the amendment is the introduction of the parish to have due regard to advice from the Church Buildings Council on net-zero carbon. CBC has provided a list of the core net-zero carbon guidance required to fulfil the requirement to have ‘due regard’ to it.

To make the rules workable, this section highlights core documents that must be given due consideration when they are relevant. There is plenty more helpful guidance here – >:

Find out more about what your church can do to become greener with our Eco Church in an Hour campaign

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