Faith in a time of climate change

Published: Friday May 6, 2022

A curly haired woman standing in front of a tree and a drystone wallGetting inspired about climate change, by the Revd Simon Witcombe, Senior Chaplain, University of Gloucestershire

“You know you’re getting old when you remember the person coming to give the annual Michael Perham Cathedral and University Lecture as a young girl hanging their legs out of the window in the house across the street…

“We’re delighted to be welcoming Hannah Malcolm to the University Chapel to give this year’s lecture on Faith in a time of Climate Change. The climate crisis is the most important challenge that we face together in the years ahead. Christian communities are responding in many creative ways, but we still need help to engage with the reality of the situation. Hannah will be addressing questions like ‘What does the climate crisis reveal to us about being human?’ and  ‘How should we rethink our faith in the face of global collapse?’

“Hannah’s passion for this issue was inspired by her grandfather, Sir John Houghton, the pioneering climate change scientist. Sir John chaired the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change when it began, contributed hugely to its work and picked up the Nobel Peace Prize (with Al Gore) on its behalf. Sir John also did a great deal to encourage Christians – including Evangelical groups in America – to take seriously the threat of climate change.

“In 2019 the Church Times ran its first Theology Slam competition, which Hannah won, speaking about Theology and the Environment – you can find it on YouTube here. At the time she was running a project called ‘God and the Big Bang’, helping young people and teachers connect science and faith. Since then she has spoken and written about climate justice and environmental theology in many spaces including Radio 4’s Thought for the Day, and she has edited a fascinating and challenging book called ‘Words for a Dying World: Stories of Grief and Courage from the Global Church’ (SCM Press, 2020).

“Hannah is now training for ordination in Durham whilst writing her PhD thesis on the theology of climate and ecological grief. We’re very pleased that she has made time amongst all this to come down to speak to us. Do join us for the lecture on Monday 23 May at 7 pm in the University Chapel, Francis Close Hall Cheltenham – more details and booking on Eventbrite here.”


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