The latest information for youth leaders in the Diocese of Gloucester

Published: Tuesday March 2, 2021

Barrie VoyceThe National Youth Association has released guidance about the tentative roadmap to easing lockdown.

  • From 8 March
    Support groups (up to 15 young people) can now be for vulnerable young people and those for whom there is a reasonable need, eg parents needing support due to work, etc. (it is the parent’s responsibility to decide need, not ours!)
  • From 29 March (at the earliest)
    Open Access youthwork outdoors for 15 young people plus leaders
  • From 12 April (at the earliest)
    Open Access youthwork indoors for 15 young people plus leaders

Senior Youth Connector Barrie Voyce said, “The second two are going to be the most relevant to our churches, with the prospect of picnics and parties outside over the Easter holidays looking pretty exciting, and then youth groups re-starting for the new term. Social distancing measures (masks, distancing, cleaning) will need to be maintained throughout.”

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