The Revd Lee Barnes has been appointed as the new Warden of Readers and Lay Ministry Officer.
As Warden of Readers, Lee will support the Reader community and take forward the future shape of Reader ministry. He will be a member of the Mission and Ministry Team and will be working with people across the whole diocese.
Lee has extensive experience of licensed ministry in diverse contexts and with different roles, actively promoting and pioneering creative opportunities for lay leadership. He was licensed as a Reader in 2005 and went on to teach on the training course for Readers. In recent years, Lee has also served as an ordained minister and understands the importance and benefits of all God’s people serving the mission of God together.
Looking forward to this move Lee says “I am excited to be joining the Diocese of Gloucester, supporting and working with the Reader community, and serving alongside others. Not only do I want to encourage and support the existing licensed and commissioned lay roles but also create and shape new pathways that empower others in the calling and purpose that God has for them.
“My own journey of vocation was not a straight-line but more like a zig-zag adventure path where I learnt who I was, and who I was called to be, as a follower of Jesus Christ.
Along the way, I was helped, supported and encouraged by many people. In a similar way, I hope and pray that I may be a person that helps others in discovering the Wonder, Way and Life of God wherever they have been placed.
“There are many exciting opportunities and real challenges as together we try and figure out where the Spirit is wanting to lead us too next. I look forward to getting to know people in the Diocese and being known. But, just as much, I am excited to meet the people God has not yet called but is stirring something in their hearts for the future mission of God.”
Lee will be joining us in September 2021 so please do keep him in your prayers as he prepares for this move.
Yes! Lee! Back of the net.