Introducing the Revd Dr John Reader, Environmental Ambassador for the North Cotswolds Deanery
Over the coming months, we’re introducing a new network of Deanery Environmental Ambassadors who are bringing people who care about the environment together.
The Ambassadors each bring different skills, and background to the role, they are very different from one another. They have in common a passion for environmental concerns and commitment to encouraging their local churches in caring for God’s creation.
John is a retired priest, living in Honeybourne. His most recent incumbency was 10 years as Rector of the Ironstone Benefice in the Diocese of Oxford, where one of his 8 churches gained a Bronze Eco Church Award under his care.
He has many years’ experience of rural ministry as well as various academic roles, including tutor for the Christian Rural and Environmental Studies Course. He is a Senior Research Fellow with the William Temple Foundation and still publishes research regularly.
He says, “I am not a scientist or environmental expert, but a practical and public theologian. I have tried to set up and work with local groups committed to various aspects of environmental activity, although this has been less frequent since I retired.”
In early 2022, John hopes to organise a deanery trip to Honeydale Farm (between Burford and Chipping Norton). The farm is a diverse 107 acre mixed farm in the Cotswolds. The farm’s mission is to provide learning spaces and events that inspire, educate and connect people to build sustainable farming and food systems that nourish people and regenerate the planet.
If you live in the North Cotswold area about would like to join John’s network of people who care about the environment, you can get in touch on Twitter @DrJohnReader or by emailing ku.oc1739462764.liam1739462764toh@r1739462764edaer1739462764nhojr1739462764d1739462764