How can we all make a difference?

Published: Monday October 25, 2021

Glasgow Science CentreWorld leaders are meeting in Glasgow from 31 October until 12 November, at COP26 (Council of Parties) in what is considered the most significant climate change conference since Paris 2015. We need leaders to make significant commitments to change and to quickly put decisions into practice.

In church, as well as considering our relationship with God, we consider matters concerning our relationship with others.  We are taught to consider the vulnerable and to be grateful with enough rather than indulging greed.  The global poor are currently suffering the most, particularly those living close to the equator.  There is an impact on wildlife worldwide who are finding their habitats changing due to the warming temperatures, with many losing territory and therefore struggling for survival.

Our current government and local MP have the power to make the decisions at this point.  We should pray that their hearts and minds may be open to the right choices and that they may have the courage to do and say what is needed.

Pray for those representing us at COP, your MP, and our government that

  • their hearts and minds will be open to see what is needed
  • they may have the courage needed to do and say what is right
  • that God’s wisdom will guide the whole proceedings
  • that any blockages will be freed for progress to be made.

Click here for more prayer resources

How can I make a difference?



 Register with Eco Church at (there is a similar scheme available for schools at

Pick one action from the ‘buildings’ section and complete it – perhaps

  • switching the church onto a green tariff for energy
  • swapping the loo roll to recycled paper
  • noting the energy efficiency rating of your boiler or
  • checking for double glazing or LED lightbulbs.

Share what you’ve done with others and plan for the next step.


 Add your voice to one or more of the campaigns below

  • Christian Aid’s template letter for you to send to your MP

  • Sign Christian Aid’s climate justice petition

  • Sign Tearfund’s open letter

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