This event, on Friday 2nd July at 10am-12noon, is designed to resource those who preach within the Diocese, both ordained and lay, and who would like to develop their preaching about environmental concerns.
Following the keynote address, we will hear local perspectives from within the Diocese followed by an opportunity for discussion. It will take place on zoom at 10am on Friday 2nd July. Bishop Robert will be hosting the event.
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Against the background is our Diocesan commitment to environmental concerns, both the Eco Church award scheme and our ambitions to be carbon net zero by 2030. One of the five areas that the Eco Church covers is ‘Worship and Teaching’ which asks us to consider how much priority is given within these aspects of church life to caring for God’s creation. This event will support churches working towards an Eco Church award, as well as those considering themed services during Creationtide.
Our keynote speaker for this event is Ruth Newton. Ruth is parish priest of St John’s Sharow, a Silver Eco-Church, whose award winning Churchyard has been awarded County Wildlife Status. She is a member of the Church of England General Synod. Ordained for 17 years, Ruth has ministered in three multi-parish benefices, as a Cathedral Canon and as a Lay Training Officer. Ruth has a Masters in Theology, a PGCE and an associate fellowship with the Higher Education Academy. She is undertaking a doctorate in teaching “Green” Theology. She is an environmental champion for the Ripon Episcopal Area, and the author of greeningthelectionary, a blog which looks the lectionary readings through a “green” lens of ecological and social justice. Born in Cumbria and ministering in Yorkshire, she is a member of the Church of England’s Rural Affairs Group and a trustee of the Arthur Rank Centre.
This event forms part of a series of events that look in more detail at one of the five areas of the EcoChurch award. Look out for those related to the other categories: Buildings; Land; Community and Global; and Lifestyle. These are intended to complement the ‘Getting started’ and ‘Next steps’ zoom seminars which take a general look across all five categories.
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