£9,500 raised in seven weeks in thankfulness for vaccines

Published: Tuesday February 2, 2021

The Diocese of Gloucester has partnered with aid and development charity Christian Aid to enable people to give thanks for their Covid-19 vaccine and help others in crisis across the world.

In the first six weeks of this campaign, thanks to your generosity, £9,000 has already been raised. We’re so incredibly thankful for your response so far. You can see the current total by clicking on the donation link at the bottom of this article.

Listen to Chine MacDonald, Head of Community Fundraising and Public Engagement at Christian Aid speaking to Richard Atkins on BBC Radio Glos on 14 February at 1:40:00 into the show and catch Archdeacon Phil speaking to him about the Diocese of Gloucester’s involvement in the project (listen from 2:40:20 into the show. Listen to the radio show here.

Our organisations have come together to give people an opportunity to pass on the sense of relief and blessing at being vaccinated by making a donation to Christian Aid’s Coronavirus Appeal. Funds from the appeal are helping vulnerable communities around the world access soap, food and vital health information in the face of the pandemic.

Bishop Rachel said. “The hope is that people will give generously to the work of Christian Aid from a place of thanksgiving.  Whether people can give just a few pounds or a much larger sum, it will make a huge difference to communities across the globe.”

Christian Aid partners have so far directly helped over half a million people in 27 countries including distributing food packages to nearly 60,000 people struggling to feed their families after losing work during lockdown and the economic downturn.

Going forwards, Christian Aid will support vaccination programmes in countries where it is operating by providing data on hard-to-reach populations to local health services and by challenging misleading information about the virus and vaccination as well as any stigma faced by those who contract Covid-19.

Bishop Rachel adds. “This is a way of us sharing Christ’s hope and love with our brothers and sisters across the world who are less fortunate than ourselves.”

Donate to Christian Aid’s work here —>


2 thoughts on “£9,500 raised in seven weeks in thankfulness for vaccines

  1. This is a great initiative. I was happy to donate, but remain very annoyed at Christian Aid’s handling of postal marketing. Opt-out from telephone, SMS and email marketing is easy (via tick-boxes). But to opt out of postal marketing, you have to email or telephone Christian Aid directly. This is “inertia marketing”, and (as well as being annoying) creates large volumes of waste paper. I have informed Christian Aid that this will be my last donation, ever, unless they change this appalling non-sustainable policy.

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