
Published: Tuesday January 26, 2021

Many churches in recent years, and in response to the environmental crisis, are giving a particular focus to environmental concerns during the month of September and up to 4th October.

The timing includes harvest festival, a natural time to think of our dependence on the natural world, as we give thanks for growth, harvest and food.

For some churches, this means focussed preaching throughout the month; others set aside an additional Sunday for a Creation theme, in addition to Harvest Festival.  For some, engagement with the wider community on this shared concern is the priority.  Churches are finding a huge variety of creative ways to give extra focus to Creation during this period.

The national Church of England Creationtide website pages offers some good resources including specific ideas and liturgies.

Suggested bible readings and collects for the season are offered for our use:

Creationtide resources 2020

Creationtide resources 2019

We encourage churches to have a look through the ideas and to consider what might be a good fit for your own local contexts.  As a society, we have a significant challenge ahead of us as we tackle the climate and biodiversity crisis.  Seeking the wellbeing of God’s Creation is a significant aspect of our calling as Christians as we work with God for the wellbeing of all that God has made, both human and wider creation.  It is good that we both take action as part of our discipleship, and find ways to speak and pray about this commitment within our worship.

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