There have been some changes to our regular communication channels during lockdown, so here’s a recap of the channels available, and an introduction to some new offerings. On this page you’ll find this week’s offerings, ready for Sunday May 10. We also are continuing to use our Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Instagram to share and connect.
New: The Sermon Slot, available every Tuesday
A sermon from a senior member of clergy, to be used in parishes to support clergy in their parish and benefice worship for the upcoming Sunday. This week, The Ven Phil Andrew shares his sermon for Sunday May 10.
New: Diocese of Gloucester Podcast
Our new, ongoing fortnightly audio series kicks off with a discussion between Dean Stephen Lake and Archdeacon Hilary Dawson about how they are coping with lockdown. Play/subscribe via Spotify. (Soon to be available via Apple Music)
New: Families Gospel video
Released every Tuesday; a short video for children and households, based on the Gospel reading for the upcoming Sunday, so that you have time to share and incorporate into local ministry as you choose. This Gospel message from a senior member of clergy is short, simple and hopefully shareable.
Update your email subscriptions here
The Bulletin, now weekly
The Bulletin emailing is coming out weekly on a Tuesday. For the time being, we have suspended the monthly Bulletin and the Messenger, but feel free to use any stories from this Bulletin in your local publications.
Children and Families Forum
This mailing goes out every Friday morning, with resources like Growing Together and videos to help those who are ministering alongside children.
The Diocesan Education News (DEN)
This goes out every half term to all our church school contacts.
The DGAT Newsletter
This is sent out every two weeks at the start of the week to all the schools and academies that are part of the Diocese of Gloucester Academies Trust.