Joining the Maundy Thursday act of worship

Published: Tuesday April 7, 2020

Instructions for joining the Maundy Thursday act of worship at 11am in which clergy, readers and licensed lay workers will reaffirm their ministerial promises. All members of our congregations are invited to attend.

Download the order of service here —>

Joining Zoom

This service will be live streamed through Zoom. Zoom can be accessed through a telephone, mobile, PC, laptop or tablet. If you have access to a mobile, PC, laptop or tablet you will be able to view the service as well as hear the audio.

You can download Zoom and follow the simple signing in instructions. If you are not already a Zoom member you are able to sign in to the basic Zoom package for free. Full details of Zoom.

Maundy Thursday service signing in details

From a telephone/mobile – call 0208 080 6591 or 0203 481 5237. You will be asked to enter a meeting ID followed by #. Please use 818-076-711 and then press #. You will then be asked for a participant ID. At this point just press # again and you will then enter the service.

 From a PC/laptop/tablet/mobile – click on this link –

The service will also be live streamed on our Facebook page. The footage of the event, including Bishop Rachel’s sermon will be available on the diocesan website and social media channels, with subtitles, later on that afternoon. Please do share this with your worshipping communities and of course if you are unable to join the live service at 11 am you can still affirm your ministerial promises later in the day.

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