Diocesan Celebration of Healing and Wholeness, Churchdown

Published: Thursday February 7, 2019


Healing and wholeness event

Preacher : Rt Revd Rachel Treweek  

The day will commence with informal worship, teaching and discussion groups.

Bring your own lunch – hot drinks available.

There will then be a time for personal reflection with quiet activities that include the laying on of hands and anointing, prayer ministry, use the labyrinth, meet with an experienced listener or Spiritual Director, use the Christian Mindfulness display, and the Pebble Pool ~ details below.

The day ends with a celebration of Holy Communion.

Coffee/tea from 9.30am
Further information from: Sheila Appleton.  07946 723851 or moc.l1739288329iamg@1739288329337am1739288329snote1739288329lppa1739288329
Parking is also available in a public car park.  From St. Andrew’s Church, turn into Church Rd.. A narrow lane on the right (before Chapel Hay Lane) leads to a car park.  A footpath leads to the side of the church.

10.00am       Welcome and Informal Worship in the church.

10.30am       Healing Stories Refection Groups (in groups  in Church, lounge and large hall.)

(Comfort break as required)

11.25am      Please return to the church for a plenary session.

12.00pm      Information sharing about the Acorn training course “Growing a Healing Ministry”.

12.15pm      Lunch – hot drinks available.

The afternoon worship starts at 1.00pm and finishes at 4.15pm

1.00pm -2.15pm Worship, Prayer, Reading (Mark 2 v1 -12) and Homily: Bishop Rachel.

Following the sermon there will be an hour and a quarter of personal reflection with the opportunity for engaging in quiet activities including anointing, prayer ministry, the pebble pool,  painting, talking with an experienced listener.


Ÿ      Members of the congregation are invited to come for the laying on of hands and anointing in the Main Church.

Ÿ      To go for prayer ministry in the Quiet Room.

Ÿ      In the church use small paper labyrinths (on tables.)

Ÿ      In the Lounge area meet with an experienced listener.

Ÿ      In the Small Hall use the Christian Mindfulness display and the Pebble Pool.

Ÿ      Outside courtyard  – Cairn building – weather permitting.

Ÿ      In the Large Hallvisit the information stand re. The Ministry of Healing and Wholeness in the Diocese of Gloucester.  Details are available of our approved training course, “Growing A Healing Ministry” – produced by The Acorn Christian Foundation.

Ÿ      Organisations display stands are also available in the Large Hall.


At 3.30 pm, the music group will start to play. We will gather in the church, ready to  share the Peace.   


Holy Communion

Closing Hymn and Blessing

4.15pm Depart

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