God never gives up on us, despite the mess that we make in the world.
How do we live out our Christian faith, Monday to Saturday? Bishop Robert met with Pauline Farman, a member of the Churn Valley Benefice to lend a hand as she goes out on her regular roadside litter pick.
We look at how she lives out the Good News of Jesus confidently in all of life, Sunday to Saturday. #SettingGodsPeopleFree
She said, “This is God’s creation and I can’t do a lot in the world, but I can do this, to make a difference.”
Listen below.
Pauline has even written a poem to encourage people to bin their litter.
A Tale of Two Bins
We are two Council litter bins just off the ‘435,
We stand here in all weathers and it’s amazing we survive!
We’re here to keep the lay-by clean; we welcome any litter,
But at the antics of some road-users we either weep or titter.
They stop and eat their sandwiches, whilst pacing up and down,
What happens to the wrapper? It’s dropped upon the ground.
A crisp packet will then be next, all glistening in the sun,
Swiftly followed by sweet papers or the foil from chewing gum.
Some even empty ash-trays – they obviously don’t care,
That Smoking Kills not only them, but wildlife everywhere.
A few will empty out their boot of household waste and trash,
Then climb into their vehicles and exit in a flash!
Why do they leave such strange things as aluminium rods,
Children’s toys and tricycles and other bits and bobs?
Whilst here we stand, mouths open wide, we really are discreet,
Just drop your rubbish into us, don’t drop it in the street.
The Council man comes weekly not just to empty our insides,
For he often has to clear up lots of other junk besides.
So if you find yourself this way, please think of we two bins,
And leave your litter in our care – The ‘435 Bin Twins.