Liedentity wins Best Campaign Film at Stroud Film Festival

Published: Thursday March 22, 2018

Photo by Theseus Lythgoe

We’re delighted that one of our recent short films, exploring the realities of social media, has won the award for Best Campaign film at the Stroud Film festival.

Stroud Community TV hosted the event as part of the annual Stroud Film Festival, which celebrates film and photography in the five valleys area around Stroud. The winning short film was one of three shown at our recent Liedentity conference, and listens to pupils of Stroud High School share their experiences of (and some of the ethics surrounding) social media.

Presenting the award, Faye Hatcher of BBC Gloucestershire said, “I’ve just been blown away by the films this evening; what an amazing showcase for what’s going on in the area”

Sam Cavender, who works for the Diocese of Gloucester and was there to speak about the campaign and receive the award, said “It was a great evening, really amazing quality of films on show and such a great diversity as well.” Talking to the audience about the campaign itself, he said “I think we’d all say working on the Liedentity campaign has been a great honour because we’re really talking about human value and ethics; how we value each other and the sometimes devastating effects that image-first social media can have on children’s sense of identity; a topic very close to our hearts.”

Listen now:

BBC Radio interview; March 24th
SCTV website: read more about the event and other films and awards


Watch the winning video below

Watch via Youtube
Full Liedentity video content and further media is here

Philip Booth, pic by Steve Hurrell
Philip Booth of Stroud Community TV being interviewed by BBC Gloucestershire’s Faye Hatcher after the event
Stroud community tv awards film festival
Evening gets underway with the announcement of the Best Local Business Film award
Sam in Stroud
Sam speaks to the audience about the Liedentity Campaign. Photo by Theseus Lythgoe

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