Support for families and young people covers a spectrum of topics as families face substantial challenges. These include issues around having a work-life balance, financial matters, and health in addition to managing the needs of each family member.
For ease of using this website information has been categorised. The list below will direct you.
General family matters – pregnancy, childcare and parenting see below.
Elderly family members – care, company and meals click here
Teenagers/young adults – exclusion, sexual health, gender concerns and lifestyle choices click here
Mental health concerns of any family member click here
Glo-Active runs throughout Gloucestershire providing diverse, affordable activities and opportunities for individuals with and without disabilities / special needs. We are passionate about ensuring that all projects are inclusive and delivered informally in order support all. Glo-active is made up of a team of experienced, dedicated and diverse facilitators who are driven by the happiness and commitment we see from our ever extending Glo-active Family.
Grandparents Support Group are based in Bristol but work nationally. They provide support and information to Grandparents regarding their rights to see Grandchildren when contact has been denied.
‘Learning Outside the Classroom’
Food, farming and countryside organisations led by Farming and Countryside Education (FACE) have launched a new education resource website ‘Countryside Classroom’. The aim is to give every school child the opportunity to learn about food, farming and countryside topics. All resources are curriculum-relevant across a broad number of teaching areas and ages and include Religious Education.
Mothers’ Union is an international Christian membership charity. They aim to demonstrate the Christian faith in action through the transformation of communities. Working worldwide their vision is ‘of a world where God’s love is shown through loving, respectful, and flourishing relationships’. MU work alongside people of all faiths and none. They promote their mission by demonstrating Christian faith in action for the transformation of communities through the nurture of the family in its many forms. Supporting marriage and family life, especially through times of adversity, Mothers’ Union members tackle the most urgent needs challenging relationships and communities.
Here in Gloucestershire Mothers Union members would be a particularly helpful partner to support work with families and children. Their projects include the provision of ‘Away From It All’ holidays; promoting the ‘Bye Buy Childhood Campaign’. This campaign is a national initiative highlighting problems relating to the sufferers of domestic violence; and supporting families affected by imprisonment.